Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday Party!!

yeah... saturday night we celebrated Ronald(21), Diana(20), Gibson(21).... birthdays... actually dah lepas dah but don't have time to celebrate because got exams, assignments and so on...but our birthday party not according to our plan.. some problems encountered..but we change to planB.. Gary borrow his cousin car then we asked Awang for help to send us to Teluk Chempedak... yeah at there we rock and roll until the morning!!! but so sad because Solvent and Nick were not joined us.. here we took some pictures...

mai layannn...

recently arrived at Teluk Chempedak.. sampai terus ja makan...kaka.. eh before that potong kek dulu...he

this is our cake..special for Ronald, Diana and Gibson....chocolate cake... so sweet..hihihi

mai tiup..... 1 2 3 ... tak padam pun!!!! kakaka

upacara suap menyuap!!! need to practise some skill nak suap nie so..kawen nanti senang ckit...hehehe

nah..ko... ko mau makan tangan ke makan kek tue Diana???...

wah!! Regu..(I don't know whether the spelling correct or not)... he the only Indian joined us.. He so Hot not shit(remember it?? time you debate with michelle....hehe)

control2..kang jatuh..hehe..Gibson and Jess..

aik??? nie ko ke Birthday Michelle??... hehe... future couple??

Ganas nyak ko Gib... haha... tahan cade.... jatuh kang kek tue..hi

ishh michelle ko gelak gik ya.. tanga kauw muka ronald ya..nungu kauw beri masuk jak ya hehehe

nie aku jeles nie main peluk2 nie.. aku nak gak di peluk..kakakaka..

nie... mahal punya posed from peter and jess..ish cade sempat ko bagi PEACE!! kat belakang tue...he

diana and cade...kes tak mau kasi kek ke nie??..he

sumandak... from left yurika,jess, michelle..suka tenguk gambar nie cos some smoke!!! who's took this pic??..

nie time Regu debate with Michelle... topic's I'm hot not shit!

palau already???

gary and peter....
the man...hehe

Jeremy... ko tekangkang tue kenapa??? mabuk suda ka? ha

do some exercise....

nie tak puas hati ka gary??..hehe


nie pa pulak??


nie time dah palau dah nie... tengok tak stable suda...hehe

along that night we didn't sleep..just play around..with sand.. haha.. nothing to do..we finished 7 bottles of beer the 2 bottle alcohols.. some members still okey..bukan apa.. kalau bagi diaorang lari.. then some memang palau habis..

enjoy with you'll guy...
hope can do more activities after this..