Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dearest Friend

Untuk plan kita 11/11, sorang bayar RM 30 yah.. Harap boleh bayar saya by Thursday k...
sebab saya nak bayar kat tauke 'minuman' deposit jumaat ni, pas tu mok pergi shopping barang2 makan kita sapa yang pergi, hope you can pay me by then k...
sankyuu, love you all....


KidlikeNick said...

Exam or Beer??

I chose exam..sorry guys..i need my best shot for static.nyangkung aku..k study lok..chow..:)

Anonymous said...

what hv happen to us!!!!????
why one by one refuse to go...haaa???
whats the reason...???wat the big problem u guys face...???
i also got problem u know!!..why didnt tell at first place before we agree...budget also dah confirm..everyone agreed...then??...did u guys know kalau sorang2 dah tak nk ikut then hw about the budget!!...kan dah kurang...why pikir pasal dri sendiri ja..wheres is the fun that we want..kalau dah mcm ni knpa tak dari awl ckp??!!...where is the sense of ur friendship???....korang tau ka??? sggup tukar tiket lg ssb nak benda ni jadi...then untill today i cannot jual that tiket...i dont care..asalkan sy boleh ikut this picnic sama2...semua ada...kculi jes...tu pun jes dah bg tau awal...ok...the budget already didnt include her....u guys realy dissapointed me....not only me i think...ok fine..tak payah pikir pasal sy la...pikir pasal aben...he realy want to do this because he want to celebrate his birthday wit us...i realy wanted to know why...sorry bro...u r old than me...but why cannot think..why be such a childish???...knapa tak ckp awal???!!...everyone chose exam...gary also chose exam but..he still consider to take his time arrangr this for us...then u??!!..doing nothing...sit and silent!!...we invite u discuss...u don want...but then...tiba2 tak nak ikut...even ronald taht dont know our rncgn also volentier to be our along..he aso got exam to do...still he take a bit of his time...then cade..why??..knapa merajuk dgn kami?? salah aku n others???...if we done something wrong then pls forgive us..what i want is just hv fun..bkn sorang2..but together..mmg tua kala blayak..then we also can berbaik juak kan..because u r my sis...even a short of time i think i already know u like 10 years..can pls be like that...forgive us pls...d nemu kitai nag ssh payah rncng tuk...smpai bc mizundrstanding gi....then..its not only ones idea..but all...everyone want this rite??..i have nothing more to say....i still hopping u guys plz consider back..for the sake of wat we have go through together...this whole semester..then hope we can end this semester wit happiness..not like this...i never burst in front of u guys..plz dont make me choose like that...p/ begging here...

KaYdEnZ said...

yeah2..watelse can i say..

J-Ery said...

allo adik2 ku sekalian,plan kita akan diteruskan seperti biasa..jd i hope guys can attend the party bcoz it's very to me n also to u all..perhaps,kita semua adalah adik- beradik di ump so i hope u guys can enjoy on that day.saya tak akan memaksa kamu semua untuk hadir ttp kalau kamu semua rasa kita adalah adik-beradik,please hadir dah buat perancangan yg baik utk celebrate birthday aben..jd klu x hadir maka rugilah kamu..saya harap kamu semua dapat hadir wlpn sy terpaksa melutut di depan kamu nanti..

KaYdEnZ said...

aku join la.
join la.
ang belik2 ngai ngau
for the sake of ur frens
do come..
god wil gv u life n blessings
jz control ursef nt to drink too much
ang buduh2..

Anonymous said...

thx last u ikut juga...ang nganu ku k...nemu hot2 tiba2..hehe...hurrraaayyyy...n nic..pls..ngau la...

KaYdEnZ said...

aku ka main bola tmpar dh abis xam tok..sp2 ka ngau??
ktai ngaga team bka suba.......
borin eh..

J-Ery said...

just padah jak masa n tempat mun kitaorg mau main bola tampar..konform kita semua akan turut serta tunggu time abis exam br kita main k..hehehe..

KidlikeNick said...

i join under one condition...
ktai makai bgulai lmai to nganti hr ka cad ngasoh ktai nurun magang tp nadai siko pun nurun kmi ka laki.

so aku ka suma ktai ka laki nebus janji nggau cad ktai ka nda dtai mlm hr nyak.kasih cad,kasih atun,kasih jes nganti mlm nyak.

aku ngnti jwpn ari ktak ka laki...
if ktak ulih kota ka jako aku to,mlm to ktai aku ka makai bgulai.

suma tentu ka masa pkul brpa datai..

aku ngaga to coz like atun said..i did nothing for this party.useless and mmg aku rs aku knyak thanx atun.

datai suma mlm to ktai makai bgulai.i want to see everyone of your faces.

i ndai join perancangan ktak..tis only a small thing aku ka tebus utk cad,atun n jes.for soven n the others,aku akn ngirup maia hr pngada d ven.never mind mak udah merik aku lesen.

nti makai ktai mlm to nyadi,so be our party next week.

pls anang nganok sapa2 ok?
aku takut ktak akn belaya ssama sndr thats ol..

i am childish...ptgkn dr smtimes..nemu aku ktak suma nggai ninga ajar aku so aku nemu drmpu salah la ok??besa aku demonick..


ulih kan mlm to ktai suma kumpul and bgulai makai...aku belanja ai stiap siko..

so my question is:
Can u guys come tonite we hv our dinner 2gther n be happy just like the old time?

aku akn ngnti ktk suma..

KidlikeNick said...

i join under one condition...
ktai makai bgulai lmai to nganti hr ka cad ngasoh ktai nurun magang tp nadai siko pun nurun kmi ka laki.

so aku ka suma ktai ka laki nebus janji nggau cad ktai ka nda dtai mlm hr nyak.kasih cad,kasih atun,kasih jes nganti mlm nyak.

aku ngnti jwpn ari ktak ka laki...
if ktak ulih kota ka jako aku to,mlm to ktai aku ka makai bgulai.

suma tentu ka masa pkul brpa datai..

aku ngaga to coz like atun said..i did nothing for this party.useless and mmg aku rs aku knyak thanx atun.

datai suma mlm to ktai makai bgulai.i want to see everyone of your faces.

i ndai join perancangan ktak..tis only a small thing aku ka tebus utk cad,atun n jes.for soven n the others,aku akn ngirup maia hr pngada d ven.never mind mak udah merik aku lesen.

nti makai ktai mlm to nyadi,so be our party next week.

pls anang nganok sapa2 ok?
aku takut ktak akn belaya ssama sndr thats ol..

i am childish...ptgkn dr smtimes..nemu aku ktak suma nggai ninga ajar aku so aku nemu drmpu salah la ok??besa aku demonick..


ulih kan mlm to ktai suma kumpul and bgulai makai...aku belanja ai stiap siko..

so my question is:
Can u guys come tonite we hv our dinner 2gther n be happy just like the old time?

aku akn ngnti ktk suma..

J-Ery said...

wahai adik-adikku sekalian,sorry sbb tak dpt lepak dgn kamu semua pada malam terlalu tension skrang nie krn sy ada exam utk tiga hari berturut2..sbb 2lah saya memilih utk diam tanpa mengeluarkan sepatah kata krn sy takut myb akan buat kamu semua tersinggung nanti seandainya saya tersalah cakap.saya harap kamu faham akan keadaan saya skrang..saya myb xdpt meluangkan masa dgn kamu semua utk beberapa hari nie so jgn marah kalau saya xdpt join kamu semua k..ttg perancangan plan kita,saya serahkan kpd kamuorg..saya,ronald,aben akan buat pembahagian tugas nanti supaya adil utk semua..klu xpuas hati,bgtau k..kepada sesiapa yg akan ikut parti,sila berikan nama anda kpd aben or ronald dgn kadar yg segera supaya kami dpt membuat perancangan semula utk bajet nanti..kerjasama daripada kamu semua didahului dgn ucapan terima kasih..sekian,majulah geng mulau utk kita semua..

from me,gary@ery

KaYdEnZ said...

aku dh byar....kat ronald...saksi..nic,aben,atun...

ronald_atorm said...

bayar jangan tak bayar...ewah..
hehehe...anyway, it's good that everyone agreed to, concetrate on the exams k...dah enda lama gik, after final semua orang akan pulai ka hometown kediri empu(except me lah..huhuhu..)so let us spend this few days together in happiness...nadai lama gik, just few more days jak gik kitai ulih, enti bc nama2 perselisihan faham, plan kitai nya lah tym kitai melupkan semua nya, and enjoy our tym together..feel bec all the memories when we all 1st met early sem, bercerita nama utai ka dah nyadi sepanjai 1st sem ka, let's make this gathering a success k, i like the togetherness in our group, and that make u strong..anyways, anang enda ingat nagai blog ku auk, meri komen nagai posting ku ka 1st.. and remember RM30 by Thursday k.. Babai, sa rang hae you..
