Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tell The TRUTH

elo guys....its the 3rd day of the xam week..
how's evrythg?? i bet ol of u did try ur bez evn tho sum might 'ngantuk', 'angau' ka..hehe..
nvrmind...after few more papers then we cn njoy the time of our life...MOGINUM..ekeke...
i hv 1 topic to be shared n dicuss wit u guys since tis is suppose 2 b our open blog...


just b ursef wen bloggin here..
accept ur weaknesses as well as good part of urs....




J-Ery said...

Bg saya 2 perkara 2 penting..saya tak tau pa yg org lain pikir..bg saya, kita boleh bercouple antara satu sama lain tp bukan masa skrang..myb 4 0r 5 tahun lg setelah kita mengenali rakan sendiri dengan lebih rapat.takda gunanya kita halang org lain krn semua org ada hak dan kebebasan sendiri..saya harap semua faham pa yg saya katakan nie sbb da sesetengah org xfaham ttg perkara nie..fikirlah ttg hati dan perasaan org lain k..saya tau semua kita sudah matang skrang even sy sendiri tak tau samada saya matang or tidak..kematangan seseorg bukan bergantung kpd pemikiran ttp sebalik bergantung kpd tindak-tanduk seseorg..semua org sememangnya pandai berfikir tp bukan semua org pandai dalam tindakan..tp klu saya rasa pa yg sy buat btul,saya akan buat tp pa yg saya buat msti utk kepentingan semua..itu cja..saya harap semua org tau pa maksudnya kawan..jgn pentingkan diri sendiri krn seseorg tp fikirlah utk semua k..satu lg paling ialah consider dan be open minded lah..jgn marah org lain sesuka hati..kadang2 sy sendiri pun kena marah dan saya tak tau sbb saya dimarah..tentang hal2 promise nie..tak main la..saya tak suka promise nie sbb buruk effectnya..so saya harap lepas nie,semua org akan sentiasa akan prihatin dan consider ttg org lain..klu da yg tak btul nanti sy myb akan tegur..takda sapa yg dpt menghalang sy nanti klu da perkara yg buat saya hilang sabar termasuklah demon..or hantu ka klu da..so saya rasa harap lepas nie xda benda2 pelik yg berlaku antara kita semua..pupukkanlah amalan tegur-menegur dan senyum k..ingat pesan saya nie..myb next year kita tidak akan berjumpa lg so pandai2lah jaga diri k..so bg mengakhiri komen nie,saya nak minta maaf jika saya da terkasar bahasa or tersilap cakap yg mungkin menyakitkan hati kamu semua..n lov u so much guys..hehe..kpd cad,minta maaflah klu saya komen terlalu byk dan myb akan buat kamu marah nanti..sy just katakan pa yg terbuku di hati dan saya harap semua akan be open-minded dgn komen sy nie..hehee..

J-Ery said...

ohh...lupa2..sorry2..ttg perbezaan antara love and friendship,saya rasa semua org pun tau kan..so mintak maaflah sbb myb first komen sy dah terkeluar tajuk.hoho..kpd semua yg blum bg komen,silalah komen..bgtau pa yg kamu rasa btul ttg topik kita..jgn jd mcm saya,terlalu emosion sgt td..sorry k..tatata..

KaYdEnZ said...

gary..mgkin sa dh tlbh marah kmu dgn pa yg blaku dl..sbb sy rs sa da pluang utk ckp dgn kmu..bkaitan dgn hl sa dan nic,sa rs smua dh jelas.sa ttp aggp nic sbgai adik dan sa xmahu dlyan lbh dr tu.sbb tu sa pn mhu kmu bt bnda yg sm pda dia.sbb kmu akn rosakkn hbgn kta sbgai kwn,sbgai adik beradik.tlg jgn keruhkn keadaan.kalo sa degil mcm kmu,xmgkin sa akn thn dgn skp kta smua.sy bkn jns yg sbr.sa pn xteragak utk tmbuk kmu kalo sa dh xsbr lg.mmg stp org ada hak,tp kalo hak tu mrosakkan kta smua,sp mhu btggjwb?kmu??tu sbb sa sll xda mud mo tgur korg sbb korg mmg xdgr..sa sudah luahkn pda atun dan hny dia blh fhm.ttg nic,I JUZ WANT US TO BE WAT WE R NW.IM NT USED TO B TREATED SOOO NICE CZ U HV OTHRS TOO.ttg ATUN, IM SORY PSAL DL.NTH BRP BYK KL SA MO SORY.U NOE I LOV U FOR WHO U R.BUT PLZ,ku dh rasa lbh ag ari pa yg ktk dtok rs..but i cant tell here..TP ITULAH SA,SA XPNH ADA ORG YG LGI INGKAR DR SA.BKN SA RS DRI SA BTUL,TP ITU PNDGN SA.STP PNDGN SA,DA HIKMAH,BKN MEN HNTAM SHIT JA SA CKP.pd JES,sll sa bg nsht psal hbgn dia dgn alan, but stil, nk sshkn dri lyn laki tu.psal JEREMY,sa ckp btrima kasih krn dia mmpu thn dri dia dgn hl jes dl.wpn mula2 sa rs geram, tp sa pcya da tym utk mrka tgk pa yg btul dan yg slh..at the end,mgadu mslh lg..sbb tu sy dh GV UP..stkat ni,yg blum bg sa mslh cm ABEN,PETER,RONALD,ZILA..and hope mrka ni xkn bg mslh lgsung....


Anonymous said...

1stly...sy terkejut dgn posting ni...fuyooo...seram....n 2ndly...pada pendapat prof.diana....hmmmm.....love is something u cannot tell...no word can explain wat is love...love without reason..if u love some1 an u hv the reason 4 that..its is not love...friends is forever...friend can be anybody...ur dad is ur fren..ur mom too..GOD also ur friend...even friend also can be ur beloved ones...i mean ur kekasih...love and friends involving ur felling...only u can knw the diff of the feeling....4 me..love among us here...is only love as a friend...not lebih dari itu...n when i said that u all are my fren, i am being honest n ikhlas...when i said u r my bro or sis...its truly from my heart...+ im not a type of person who jatuh cinta dgn cepat...sy sgt setuju if love begin with friendship..sbb kita kenal org tu lg dalm b4 jd couple...i cant stop what guys feel about me....rite...but love among us mmg sy tak nak...sbb sy rasa mcm sumbang muhram..haha..because i fell we all like adik beradik..but sy tak janji la klau sy ckp sy tkkn fall in love wit one of guys in geng keras kta....bcoz no one knw...mn tau GOD tba2 temukan jodoh sy dgn korang...haha..(but i hope jgn la)...but when nic said she love cade..i cannot marah him..becoz not him ask for that feeling..its come from a true heart...but then when u love someone..it is not mean u will hv that person rite..love is giving trmsklah giv the person u love be wit the person she/he love...n satu lg..mgkn ada org tak setuju dgn saya...sy tak percaya dgn etenal love beside our love to GOD n of coz to our family...bcoz human is not eternal...than etenal love is not wujud...we always can fall in love wit some1 everyday...cuma sejauh mana sj kmu love seseorang tu...even suami istri pn boleh brcerai...hmmm...dah la..pjg sgt plak...last word from me..feel free to fall in love..peace..haha...xoxo

Great Aben said...

-LOve among friends-
let us put our first commitment on study first for our 4 years here...along with that..we can know each other better from time to time...it is not wrong to love one another more than friendship-like relationship...but if there are couples among this one group of friends(juz for example to explain my thought wit all of you)..these couples more likely to do their own things while others will feel not really comfortable with that...i am 100% really agree that the friendship situation will not be as great as before couples exists in the group...but don't worry :-)..kalau ada jodoh, xkan ke mana..if there are 2 persons in a group fall in love with each other,it is not wrong..but keep it in your heart and put study as your first commitment in ump until you finishes your study and graduated...what i believe from the beginning of what have I experienced during my relationship till now is...whenever the other person is willing to wait for you even 4 to 5 years and he/she still in love with you just like in the beginning..then...he/she is the right one to be your partner of your life....soOOO, don't worry if you love someone secretly among your friends...juz wait and pray...mark 9:23 "Everything is possible for anyone who has faith"

from the experience with all of you..there were lots of ups and downs that i could see from the beginning till now...we went through all the waves of problems and hardships together... for your information, people around us really like the way we always be together..even our seniors…the time I received their comments..it reminds me of all the hardships we are going through..like brothers and sisters..huhu..feel very lucky to be with you all..if there’s a problem among us..i can just smile and say “well, here we go again!!”..hardships are not burdens..it makes us stronger from time to time…makes us more matured than before…GOD is with us..NEVER FORGET HIM IN OUR HARDSHIPS…

p/s: Cad, this is a very suitable way to voice out our thoughts..really like it! Finally, all people will know what is really going on..GOD BLESS ALL OF U!!!!!!!!!!!!!


peter said...

saya ke-blur-ran... i don't know wat to say.. but, it not mean saya tak caring about u all.. actually I enjoy with korang semua.. takda korang saya tak tau mau jalan mana wakaka.. maybe just stay kat Pahang ja la.. hihi

friendship and love??? wow! hard to describe but..

4 me la even kawan kalau dua-dua suka sama suka pun no hal.. sebab kita tak boleh nak control hak orang lain.. sbg kawan saya restu hubungan itu.(macam father la pulak) tapi lain la kalau sorang tue suka then yang sorang tak suka.. yang suka tue tak boleh nak paksa yang tak suka supaya sukakan nya kalau memang yang tak suka itu tak suka...(pening tak baca? saya yang tulis pun confius dah hihihi).. kalau yang tak suka tu memang tak nak so yang suka tu kena terima kptsn yang tak suka.. but it not the end of our relationship.. we still fren 4ever and ever... :-)

Anonymous said...

uhhh...chavo....nyak ya bulih peter..sy suka peter...peter tak ska sy...tp sy suka dia..peter tak nak jga...sy paksa peter..peter tak nk juga...haha...jd sy give up la...jgn paksa2...haaa...tu la maksud nya...kan peter...ahhaha...sy tatap ska peter...ekeke

KidlikeNick said...

sy rs sy msh2 kbudak2an dlm hubgn yg libatkan soal cinta ni..so ngagai CAD...
anang la tua pk psl nama dh blaku kan sister..truly dr hati sa sy xnak lg fall into the past of the time btween me n cad..jgn rsau i'll be a good boy.dh sy tgglkn suma tu kt blkg kta suma...korg suma mmg pndai dlm soal perasaan n hati ni..so i'm still what i am now bro n sis..in fact sy rs suma korg btul..n truly sy menangis u guys reunite..tiada pa pun yg sy sumbangkn ol this time really..coz im just sitting bside u ol n show i am stupid with joking n mmg sy x blh jd joker sarkas la nnti..hal atr atun n gary,glad u guys get along,keep it up n lupakan pa yg kta selisihfahamkan dl...atr mit with jang olso keep it up..atr ven n umang..keep it up too...peter,ngiga sulu tua anang alah lbn cdak..nald,nti nguntik urg maik aku coz im starting to get used of ur 'CHAVO'..olrait ksimpulan sy d cni psl love is..according to mom..someone who we are meant to be..example ya mdah mak aba sll gaduh2 but when there far from each other both miss one part of their life n that's is thier heart.so they reunite back n the bond gettin much stronger..aku nda faham la bila aku nnya mak "mak d ulih meri speech ba skool bha mak lapa d nggai?"hahaha...funny mak aku.k that's for love..

sblm sy terang sy luahkan smthing ni ya..
KITA MMG KWN DR SBLM KTA LAHIR LG..kan kta suma lahir dr sorg laki n pompuan yg sama from the first man n woman wujud d bumi ni..so whenever u guys think bout each one of ur good sides and bad sides sy x rskan kta ptt selisihfaham kerna itu..sbb we all same as HUMAN..not me im kacukan alien..mom sll la kata g2 sbb sy sll kumpul buku cta fantasi n AVP..something yg bkn manusia la..haha..well back to sharing to td so aku mnta ampun..reali from me..i will change n try to change..u all guys r reali matured ak madah noe what is right..aku??aku ndai kala ngumbai drmpu salah or btul..bg aku aku ndai salah ndai btul utai d gaga..mnta ampun n pa yg blaku msa lalu tu cuma mistake yg sy buat..sy rs bsalah pd gary,sy tgur kmu sblm ni maybe sy salah 100% gary..so sy mengaku kalah la bro..kmu sll btul dpn sy.reali im proud with ur responsibility as big bro...to cad,aku nggai ngulang nama utai dh dilaya tua ngelama to..jga ksabaran d cad n thanx 4 all anukan n advices..to atun,tima kasih atun d madah aku childish..amat jako d aku sll ptgkan dr..nitih utai ko jako tuai aku jak..never mind i'll change..to ven,umang dh kala nyabak.so aku nganti hari d akn numbuk aku skali ven.aku nyabak then kira bls meh nyak ok??hahaha..sori aku nda ptt ngaga sduai knya suba..to jes,honestly bc gaga bc nda bgulai nggau d jes tp sy rs ol the time kta xpnh gado so sy respect kmu jes..little sis kta...to jer n peter,u guys r olsome haha sbb sll kta ckp psl fail blja jak n pk masa dpn sbrg jak..to ronald,love u man..our 'kiss man-to-man respect' as spartaniac is my first impression bout u saying that u can make people smile and happy ol da time..
ok...sy terangkan utk KAWAN pulak..friend is like air..where we go no matter where we r,friend is our close one with.munyi ko atun,everything is our friend..suka n duka ttp kwn jg wlpun smpai mana pun bgado msh jg ingat kwn..kwn baik sy slm ni ialah u guys all..tanpa korg mmg sy xkn matured la..tp mmg xmatured2 lg pun..so aku sudah hbs luahkan pa dlm hati..sori sori and sori kpd suma terutama ven,atun,gary,and cad..pa sy ckp and buat salah ngn korg ni sy ingat smpai skrg n xbhenti sy menyesal..u guys mmg sll btul..glad to noe u guys..

(i cry a lot man...:)..)

KaYdEnZ said...

nice postings guys..i lov the ways u xpress ur thoughts n feelings..yes..we've been thru a lot of hardship n obstacles..we dun need to thank each other 4 wat happiness n enjoyment we've been thru..but take them as memories for us to remember...yes..thanx to God for bringing us here..HE knows tis is truly-not to-separate-MULAU geng..hehe..

Don't ever be angry on your friends...
Because at the last moments of our life,
We remember not the words of our enemies...
but the silence of our Friends....

Friendship is a promise
made in the heart,
Unbreakable by distance,
unchangeable by time.

When you ask God for gift,
Do not ask for diamonds, pearls or riches,
But the love and companionship of real true friends
And be thankful if he sends you at least one.

peter said...

anang piak arr diana sebedau aku berubah ati ka ke dik wakaka..

nick..bout to find indai tuai anang berumban tua ngiga. bisi awak ya ila.. nie tak tetemu indu korea tua kini.. jeles urang legi hihi..

*nyau ngaga baka ruai diri empu dah* sori to the author keluar topic kejap hi..

ronald_atorm said...

Wah, cinta ini membunuhku...
nyways, saya tak tahu pasal cinta2 ni, sebab saya innocent..hahaha..
but one thing's for sure, cinta wujud dari perkenalan pertama, menjadi kepada persahabatan, akhirnya lahir perasaan kasih sayang, dan percintaan..
kita tidak minta perasaan ini hadir, when cupid struck his arrow, he won't miss..
jangan lah ditolak perasaan itu, terimalah seadanya..
pastikan hati dan perasaan sudah bersedia untuk komitmen itu, kerana cinta ini suci..
without friendship there won't be love...but friends love each other, and it goes beyond lovelyhood..
everyday hati ini sentiasa menerima goncangan perasaan..
tgk chavo2 pun boleh jatuh cinta, tapi itu tak beerti cinta itu yang kita nak...
so terpulang kepada individu nak menilai, how your love will come..
will it be your friend, will it be someone who near us, but we never realise, or our effort to claim it..yang pastinya, it's a beautiful thing given to us by God..P/S: I Love You(movie yang tersedih pernah saya tengok..huhuhu)

-so, alang2 dah comment, cam biasa lah along nak kutip hutang..siapa yang belum membayar besok last ya..kasihanilah saya, masih hutang tauke beer..huhu..

ok lah guys, love you guys..sa rang hae yo...

word of the day, laplace...hahaha...

Great Aben said...


saja ka mnyemak..


JayzLLen Lemba said...


jayz in da house...........