Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moginum Trip...11/11/08....

SUNGAI PANCHING is 13th of Nov....2 days after our 1st moginum & bbq together.... huhu..days passing by so fast....sum of u goin back soon...i mean...ol of u..... atun went back jz nw...she didnt want me to send her the kind of 'cepat pilu'...i cried...tinkin im alone here tho the boys are stil here...huhuhu..buduh pnya feelin.... as i promised..owes gonna write a review (waahh..mcm wat esei english plak)...on our MOGINUM taken only frm Peter...stil waitin from Aben's cam..... oraiittt...the journey started.......
at 1230 hrs...fetch the turbo car from suppose-to-be abg 'nsem'..hahahaha...s**t... 1st trip: Nald, jrmy, nic, atun n of (Cade).... 2nd trip: Aben, Peter, Ery, Jojon n Van.. (yes...these 2 gorgeous-borneon typical ladies joined us too...) those in the 2nd trip went straight to Ery's kazen's prepare evrythg....include 'nice-blended-fuckin hot' chilies...n...marinated 'janik'..... (later la u guys add sum comments on wat did u guys do).. oraittt...talkin bout the 1st trip maniacs...yeahh..coz i was in the car together along wit the rest... supposed we went to kuantan to find packs of ice cubes....then, sudenly ery told us he cudnt get the beer from the plce he used to buy..again....$$$$...we stopped by at The Store in amek Aben's delicious blue-berry cake...thanx to Nald..eheeh...then..bought few stuffs...kacang...carbonated of coz...sausages...huhhh...$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... we cudnt find the ice...evn in KP...we went to Taman Tas...Tunas Manja...still....sbb ice pun gua dh pnat gler........huhu...**the bbq geng...**...xcept for jeremy yg myemak la..hahahaha...
then, i duno la...whre we stopped...the final plce we can get the ice packs...three 3 packs... it was about 15++ hrs when we arrived at the bbq spot...2nd trip geng juz started the fire...huhu..thot dh masak oredi janik ya...ingt trus mok makan...huhu...orait..nvrmind...
orait...few of us in charge of the bbq a.k.a amek pluang utk mkn janik ya...hahahaha...but
some....mcm org kt bwah ni...duk mlepak jer....
**nic....dun hide ur beer..soon ur mum knows too**

**our beverages for the day!!!**

>>>our meal...huhu..mliur abis ku meda...

**gettin the smooth n tender meat...aben's hand..
mmotong + mencopet...2 perkara berbeza...

>>nice chillies from latina..hahahaah...fabulous!!

**the eating crew...esp me!!!** hahahahhaha....

**mandi time**hehehe....tym ni jeremy hilang rm400 spec..

dhla tue...otot pn xda....lemak n tulang ja nampak..ahhahahahaa....

**siapakah jejaka pilihan anda????**

remember tis day atun...u learnt Physical Chem..pressure outside system is higher than pressure in the system...haha

**kuak lentang berirama** para peserta dr...errmmm..NO NAME country...

**mangsa banjir..

**stil hangin on nald..huhu...tkutnya...

**still ada pasangan gay...** jeremy mgntikn gibson..errmmm...

**ni ha..jojon n vanesa...** nice ladies..

**these were us..**

we were actually celebratin aben's burfday as well....tis was the cake...huhu..nda sempat ku mkai kek..nvrmind...hehehehee....
**ngai nda mnta sapek ngau ku deh???***

**he was drunk actually...smpat mok sapek urg janik..hahaha...sorry for the unclear view..**
**tis was the BEST see Atun gettin drunk!!!!** ahahhahahahaha..lucu....mcm nenek kbayan ja...ada ja lawak n jako ya...kuang3...dhla nda ngaku dr mpu mabuk..ahahaha..hehehe..suttt....anyway atun...nice attitude... :P
okay...its the end of the story...hope u guys enjoyed the bbq n so on....hope to hv another moginum trip....ol of us join..i MEAN all...


peter said...

best nyak terasa nak lagi cewaah... best owh tengok orang palau.. sapa yang palau arr?? sapa?? hihi

J-Ery said...

ko rilek jaa au,next year is your turn to get palau.haa..jaga2 dik...hahaha..

andy telasai said...

wow..really enjoy ;)